Hi, mom!

This post is for my mom, for myself, and for the boys out there.

Hi, mom! 

I am sorry that I disappointed you a million-gazillion time. 
I am not a perfect daughter. But I know you deserve me, and I am going to prove that.
I will make you proud with the things I do. And will apologize with the things I can't do.
Once you told me to finish college before entering a boyf-girlf relationship. I promised you I will, but i did not.
I almost got kicked out of school because i fell in love so early and too stupid enough to publicly show affection when it's taboo.
He and I broke up and it nearly tore me apart and not be able to bring myself together.
But I managed. Maybe it's in our genes. Mana siguro talaga ako sayo.
I hope that you'd give your trust back to me. Cos this time I will fulfill my promise with a little add ons!

Hi, me.

Pls, don't be an easy-to-get chick because you're not. Someone out there deserves you. Be patient. Maybe, the one is a mix of Ramon-Chuck-Chuck. hihihi.

Hi, boy.
I got one question. Are you willing to wait? hihi <3


  1. zomreyes said...:

    Hi, YOU.

    I'm always here, don't you forget that.

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